Leadership Development
The ADGL Leadership Development team is dedicated to fulfilling God’s vision which is mirrored in the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes’ stated mission of extending the Kingdom of God by equipping members of our congregations to plant new congregations and “. . . make disciples of all nations . . .” (Matthew 28:19-20).
The Vocations Committee, the Examining Chaplains, and the Canon for Leadership Development are appointed by the Bishop Ordinary and work together with him to guide all Inquirers, Postulants, and Candidates for Holy Orders through the diocesan Discernment Process. In our diocese, men and woman are bi-vocational as well as full-time ministers, serving as deacons and priests. We support, examine, and present those who are called and properly prepared for ordained life and ministry in the ACNA and our missional Diocese, according to Biblical, Provincial, and Diocesan standards, to the Bishop Ordinary who makes the final determination for reception of Holy Orders. Assessment of an ordinand’s character and competency involves examining their educational background and capabilities in nine areas of competency as defined by ACNA Canons 3 and 4 which includes: Theological and Biblical Foundations, Pastoral Care, Liturgical Praxis, and Spiritual Maturity and Growth.
Additionally, the Canon for Leadership Development works with parish Rectors and Discernment Committees, the Canon for Church Planting, the Canon for Clergy Care, and the Canon to the Ordinary to coordinate efforts and set protocols in place for assessing the qualification of those considering discernment towards ordained ministry. The Canon works at the discretion of the Bishop to ensure that those called are also properly equipped. This is accomplished through assessment, Leadership Cohorts, parish-based training (diaconal year training and curacies), and formation retreats in conjunction with priestly formation plans for all deacons. The Bishop also intends to begin training programs in the parishes for Lay Readers, Catechists, Eucharistic Ministers and others participating in parish-based ministries.
We hope you find these documents helpful. Please contact us if you have any queries or concerns.
Rev. Canon Dr. Kathleen Rankin
Canon for Leadership Development
Customary on Ordination
“But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28
This customary explains ordained ministry in ADGL, and overviews the processes for discernment and preparation, as well as transfer of orders and licensure.
Please read the customary first before submitting forms or documents. Applicants, please keep in mind that we can receive application forms, and begin building your file, but cannot begin the process of discernment without a letter of support from your Rector.
Contact the Rev. Canon Dr. Kathleen Rankin, Canon for Leadership Development, at 234.466.0426, ext. 2 or email her at krankin@adgl.us with any questions you have.
Basic Information and Forms
Rector/Clergy Mentor Information
Ordination Track Forms and Guides
Summary Vision and Foundational Principles Concerning the Ministry of the Saints
Convictions and Practices Concerning the Diaconate and Ordination
Ordination Forms
Reception, Transfer, and Licensure
Other Forms and Guides
Replacement Ordination Certificates - please email Canon Andrea Orchard, Exec. Admin. and Assistant to the Bishop, at aorchard@adgl.us to request a replacement ordination certificate.
Payment for Application or Other Fees
Once you’ve clicked ‘Make a payment’ below, be sure to select the appropriate fund for your payment:
Vocations - Application Fee
Vocations - Ordination Fee
Seminaries and Programs of Study
Anglican Seminaries
Anglican Studies Programs
Diaconal Training Resources
Trinity School for Ministry - diploma for deacons, certificate in Anglican Studies